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achieve your potential

Wh​o am I?

I have spent much of my life focused on self-betterment - ​specifically the science behind human behavior, energy ​management, self awareness, and emotional regulation.

Professionally, I have almost two decades of experience ​in strategy, leadership, organizational process ​improvement, and go-to-market.

I believe that optimizing professional and personal ​growth isn’t about inventing something new, but instead ​about aligning what already exists for optimal outcomes.

What is coaching?

Whether looking to improve in what you do, or considering doing something completely different, ​we can discover your goals and find how to best achieve them.

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The most critical component of ​coaching is a connection ​between coach and coachee. ​Coaching is about creating a ​space where you can effectively ​be h​eard.

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A coaching relationship is ​privileged; this means that what is ​discussed stays between coach ​and coachee. Coaching is about ​you, not me.

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You are looking for a coach ​because you are looking to ​change. We will assess your ​readiness, and then together we ​can create a plan to get you the ​resu​lts you are looking for.

Would I benefit from coaching?

Many of us have a persistent feeling that things could be better. Pursuing personal or professional ​improvement requires an exploration of who you are and what you want. A trained coach merely ​provides you with a guide on that path; someone to help you find your way and keep you on track.

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Explore where you are today, and ​how that aligns with who you ​want to be. A ‘bottoms up’ ​approach to current-state analysis ​can lead to insights into what you ​re​ally want.

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How can you be better? What do ​you want to improve? What is ​block​ing you from accelerating?

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If you are looking for significant ​change, how do you know you ​are ready? How do you approach ​ch​ange so it is successful?

What does coaching look like?

Coaching can be a personal pursuit, part of a professional improvement plan, or a larger ​organizational effort.

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Whether you are looking to ​improve in your personal or ​professional life, you can engage ​wi​th me directly.

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If your organization is sponsoring ​your coaching, I can work directly ​with you and your organization to ​pu​rsue the targeted results.

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If you have a team that could work ​better together, we can come up ​with a combined plan to achieve ​sha​red success.

Contact Me

Mailing Address

PO Box 36272, San Jose, CA 95158